Saturday 23 July 2011

Verbal Diarrhea

Just read my previous post.....hahahahaha I talk/write too much, right? RIGHT!

Anywho, its all love.

We all have a story to tell...

A blog (a blend of the term web log)[1] is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
I am inlove with blogging! Its ridiculous, its sick how I have become enthralled with this world of REAL, lovely sincere peeps. I’m kicking myself, for kinda forcing myself to switch off and adapt a snobbish outlook to blogging. I don’t have any tangible reasons for this, I really don’t. All I know is I had no interest in blogging or blog-surfing ( hehehe) for the longest time. The closest excuse/reason I have for this is David Bullard….(plz don’t judge me). Anyway so there was once a time when I was a self-proclaimed disciple of Mr Bullard’s. I read his weekly columns, religiously and in one column he wrote about this new phenomena called blogs. He went on to say how these people (bloggers) are wannabe journalist with no depth or knowledge. (I’m of cause taking liberties here peopleJ). He said a whole lot more trust me, just don’t remember the whole diatribe directed at my now, treasured fellow bloggers.

How wrong was he? How absolutely foolish of me, to follow him so blindly? I have missed out on so much! Here Iv found like minded people who think the same way or have the same insecurities as I and who magically live miles and miles away from me, as far afield as freakn Iceland!

Hope you can detect the Steve Urkel excitemnt here folks....Anywho, one of my fav bloggers wrote that she always has a “Pretty Woman” complex when she goes into these high end clothing boutiques. That moment when you feel like the sales assistants are kinda looking down on you and silently saying “You cant afford us booboo, please leave” AMEN, if you’ve ever had one of those moments… Another blogger who was actually the first blogger I followed was Gabbi, from Gabbi Fresh (Young fat and fabulous) unleashed a monster in me. You c I have what we (South Africans) call an African trademark, big huge, PHAT ass and I always thought it restricted me from wearing so many clothes. Gabbi showed me that, nah ah girl, do your thing! Be you, wear you and embrace you!
I’m so grateful for this universe! We all feel, think and know that what we sometimes feel, think and know is important and should be shared with anyone that cares to listen. For me that’s the basic premise of blogging, it’s a fun internet playground for ordinary joes, who’ve  never starred in blockbuster movies, or sold multi platinum albums( although some of us dream of it), to share the things that are important to us…So yes, Im a tad bit late but its still a pleasure to be part of this wereld…
In due time will be posting interviews with SA's fav artists, cant wait for that. Gonna be blayzzzzing:)
In the meantime here are some of my fav bloggers….. so far.
There is no order of importance here, just some peeps who rock my world.....karlas closet, because im addicted, carolines mode., keiko lynn, this chicks got style, brooklynblonde, my style pillmiss milli bIn my humble opinion, so much more but ill keep sharin for sure...

Get rowdy!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

It aint me its the S(o)(u)n....

Its the sun, I swear!

Wow don’t know where to start. Im feeling so calm, so happy. I know right? Really? In a world where it sells so well to be depressed! Stole that last line from Floetry…Well yes, I am happy. No one particular reason, but Ill try give you some of them. 1. I realized how everything that happens to me is kinda determined by me. I am in charge here, I am the captain you know. Had an awful situation with my colleagues recently and kinda brushed it off and re-focused my energies on something else, work! It has been liberating actually, I was forgetting how good I am at what I do. The tremendous amount of potential I have. I know, blow that horn of yours why don’t you! Hahaha but I figure if I can be my worst critic I should be my own biggest fan too, yes? 2. Came back from an awesome weekend at home. Had so much fun watching TV, raiding my stylish mother’s wardrobe, I got some stuff actually and ill be posting some items up…glorious! Had to leave some clothes behind cause I didn’t have enough space in my suitcaseL 3. Conducted a surprise radio interview on my friend Asanda Maqabuka….she just got me re-inspired (is there such a word) all over again. 4. Have discovered some great bloggers lately! Just love them, will tell you more soon. Wow bay-siii-kha-lllllly, good blog reader, things are sunny, peachy infact.

P.S. Do me a favour, misbehave, break the rules. Just don’t hurt nobody…

Think Craig Davids - Im walking Away....
Harem Pants- Edgars
Tweed Blazer - Love Movement, Fochsini
Shoes- Mr Price (Oh yes)
Vest - Pick n Pay
Black Sling Bag - Mr price

Friday 15 July 2011

Warm Sunny Feelings

I’m going home tomorrow (Port Elizabeth) So excited! Geez I need it, I need to sleep in my own bed, shower, eat, watch TV at HOME. Have no plans of meeting friends or going  outside the "four corners" of my house, other then fetching the Sunday newspaper of cause.

I miss my mommas warmth, I wish I could say cooking, but nha she dont do that, not her thing. If she does cook, then its usually her and our dog, Favour that gets to taste the kos. Hahaha aah my mother:) Not the most domesticated women out there.

Oh and you may or may not have noticed that I have more pics up AND they are not at the office, YAY! Thats due to the fact that I now have housemates who happen to be my colleagues as well and before we drive off to work, I bore and nag my housemate, Busi to take pics of me. She doesn’t understand the whole blog craze/ trance/ curse I’m under right and although I love and appreciate her, she mos’ definitely aint the best pic-taker, as you may have noticed! But what can one do, but accept what they cannot change?

Hope you have a great weekend, or day, hour, holiday, depending on when you read this.......Thanx for your time:)


These pics were taken by Busi outside our potentialy beautiful garden...

Flowered Print Pumps - Rage
Black Denim Jeggings – Levis
Grey Ripped Crochet Top – Jay Jays
Multi Coloured Necklace – Legit
Brown ‘n White Beaded Necklace – Gtown Fest
African Print Bracelets – Gtown Fest

Thursday 14 July 2011

Childish is good

At times I take myself too seriously, like you dont understand! Iv just realised, Im a child, I'll always be a child, its funny actually how the cycl;e of life happens. When you young you want to be old like your older sisters and when you finally old, you think to yourself, "Ahh maybe not". But Iv realised we are all children or we should atleast live our lives like we are, we should all love without expecting anythin in-return, shout when we want to, be curious, run around, climb trees, tell the truth, be innocent. Anywho thats how im CHOOSING to live. I refuse to take myslef too seriously, ah ah not gonna happen, so now we being light, letting things flow letting them go. Doing everything that our hearts desire without over thinking everything and being afraid....IMA BE CHILDISH

Black Leather Slouch Boots - YDE
Black Leggings - Woolworths
Pink T-Shirt Dress - Truworths
Leopard Print Cardigan - Jay Jays
Gold Globe Necklace - Mr Price
Coloured Necklace - Gtown Arts Fest

Monday 4 July 2011

Another 2nd Chance...

So I have deviated from the main purpose of this blog or atleast what I had envisioned for it. I wanted fashion posts, traveling posts, pics showing my perfectly splendid Eastern Cape, (where Im from and currently reside). But that’s not exactly how things penned out, so far. There has been a lot of writing, a lot of pity parties blah blah blah….hmm but I keep telling myself I’m new at this and because I enjoy it so much I will not  stop (even if my blog page is dark and depressing), I just wont do it. I hope you tell yourself that tooJ STAY WITH ME!

Let me explain, firstly,  I can’t take pics because I’m alone half the time (willingly by the way) or with colleagues in the office and I really don’t want all my pics to be inside an office building that’s just disturbing, on so many different levels. So although I’ve been putting together some crazy outfits and I mean Gnarls Barkley Crazy, and its a mission for me to take pics of them, its either my surroundings aren’t too inspiring and when they are, I’m alone…get my dilemma?

I know it helps to have a partner, and by that I mean romantic partner, because  he/she will be with you when you wake, right up until you sleep (I assume). Translating into plenty of awesome opportunities to take lovely pics, all day! But alas I don’t, I am extremely single, hehehe and I’m probably the last of a dying breed in this lovely blog world of ours. All the bloggers whom I love and follow have boyfriends, husbands, fiancés and all their relationships look and sound sooooo dreamy you know. Hmmm oh how I wait patiently for that day, it excites me just to think about him actually, I can even smell my future unknown lovers body odour….he smells delicious I tell ya! Hehehehe askies that’s me getting carried away J

All I wanted to say was Hi, hope you well, be patient with me, I love you just for reading my blog, I really do, watched the most awesome movie this weekend, Its Kind Of A Funny Story, loved it, watched it twice, also wanted to share with you my latest greatest find, EVER, her name is Emily she cooks, makes awesome jewelry and she's also a ………..drum roll 1…..2…..3 a bloody freakn FASHIONISTA! My kind of fashionista nogal, the hmmmm how can I put this? The clean one? I’ll explain what I mean by that later. But please go to her blog  Cupcakes and Cashmere  and you’ll most definitely love it. I swear, I cross my heart and hope to die! Oh and she's engaged too!

P.S. I am reading Conversations With God right now….ashamed to say, but its kinda like my third attempt. But it’s going very well this time around. I'm going through it very slowly. Anywho have to bounce. I LOVE LIFE, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE GOD, I LOVE 2ND CHANCES!