Friday 15 July 2011

Warm Sunny Feelings

I’m going home tomorrow (Port Elizabeth) So excited! Geez I need it, I need to sleep in my own bed, shower, eat, watch TV at HOME. Have no plans of meeting friends or going  outside the "four corners" of my house, other then fetching the Sunday newspaper of cause.

I miss my mommas warmth, I wish I could say cooking, but nha she dont do that, not her thing. If she does cook, then its usually her and our dog, Favour that gets to taste the kos. Hahaha aah my mother:) Not the most domesticated women out there.

Oh and you may or may not have noticed that I have more pics up AND they are not at the office, YAY! Thats due to the fact that I now have housemates who happen to be my colleagues as well and before we drive off to work, I bore and nag my housemate, Busi to take pics of me. She doesn’t understand the whole blog craze/ trance/ curse I’m under right and although I love and appreciate her, she mos’ definitely aint the best pic-taker, as you may have noticed! But what can one do, but accept what they cannot change?

Hope you have a great weekend, or day, hour, holiday, depending on when you read this.......Thanx for your time:)


These pics were taken by Busi outside our potentialy beautiful garden...

Flowered Print Pumps - Rage
Black Denim Jeggings – Levis
Grey Ripped Crochet Top – Jay Jays
Multi Coloured Necklace – Legit
Brown ‘n White Beaded Necklace – Gtown Fest
African Print Bracelets – Gtown Fest

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