Wednesday 24 August 2011

Born to be wild

Hate this pic, only included it, because it shows the poloneck and shoes properly...Unlike the rest of the other pics.
Pencil  Skirt - YDE
Polo Neck- Edgars
Faux Fur - Pick n Pay
Bag- Friends
Bracelets - Mr Price
Ankle Boots - Edgars

Have so much work to do, cant even think straight...But here is what I wore today, felt so luxurious. Trust you had a good day and tommorow will be even more fab:) Thanx for reading.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Mommies treasures


Blouse - Soya Concepts
Skirt - Vintage
Gladiator Sandals
Belt - Mr Price
Ring- Gift
Bracelets - Mr Price
Denim Jacket - Mr Price

Wow, still feeling the after effects of a weekend well spent, no regrets though:) Home was just delicious, especially since momsie dearest was in Sweden last week and came back with some stuff for me:) Aaaah can I not grow old, please? Anywho this blouse is just one of the items she got me, the pleated skirt is also a lil sumthin sumthin I pulled from her wardrobe. I made some slits on the sides, although I think I should've made them longer....WANNA SHOW SOME SERIOUS LEG FOLKS!!!! So skirt Blouse and ME, all my mommies treasures:)
Hope you being fabulous:)

Saturday 20 August 2011

Let Loose....

Blazer - Im sure you know by now
Dress - Mr Price
Belt - YDE
Floral Sling Bag - Mr Price
Black Pumps - Mr Price
Was a tad bit late for work yesterday, so quickly put this together, kinda like my safe outfit. Hassle free, but comes out looking awesome. Watch out for my next post, I actually want to write about the dominant trend I see in fashion circles where the intentions are to look genius rather than beautiful, by that I mean letting clothes enhance the beauty one already has not cover or confuse it...Anywho that’s for later, so last night was supposed to go to that Women’s Month gig I told you about it in the previous post. Unfortunately didn’t make it, but was asked to play at one of my favourite clubs in KWT, The Rock. Had a fab time, havnt DJ'd in a while, coz I’m such a worry wart....So last night I just let it rip, let loose and had soooo much fun. I was so pleased with my sets, and that doesn’t happen too often, that’s how hard I am on myself...Anywho hope you well and happy:) Going home today!!!!!!Too excited!

Just Let Loose..

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Silver Gold and LIFE!!!

Bolero Jacket - Pick n Pay
White Vest - Pick n Pay
Harem Pants - Edgars
Jewlery - Truworths/ Mr Price
Black Pumps - Mr Price
Goooood Dzzayyy:)

Very chilled day today, nothing much happening. Having a Womens Month function at work soon, so planning my outfit, really not good at formal DO's, but what I do know for sure is I aint stepping out that door, unless I look absolutely dashing! Cant wait. Saw this LIFE piece (above) and thought it fitting I share it wit ya'all. So true and so relevant for my life at the mo...Anywho trust you liked my chilled, cheap blinged up outfit. Hope you having an awesome day whenever, wherever (Shakira style) you are, when reading this. I know Im grateful you made the time for it:)


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Purposefully lookin good, thank you very much.

Love Movement Blazer
Mr Price T
Mr Price Scarf
Levi Jeans
YDE Slouch Boots
Bag Foschini - Momsie bought it

Looking for these kinda boots in a caramel colour...That would just complete me!
Been havin an up and down week, excited to see that I actually do have more than my family nd friends following/reading this blog. That delights me. Can someone please sponsor me with a camera or a decent phone that takes decent pics...POVERTY, please just disappear. Vanish! Anywho, been putting together beautiful outfits lately, but cant take any pics because my cam charger has gone AWOL and cant find the time to buy another one. So I’m basically kinda going around irritating my colleagues with requests to use their cell phones for, "2 minutes max"...The quality is sometimes bad, but hey, this aint no Vogue shoot right....Its my blog, I guess thats one of the alluring things about blogs, their imperfection. Some would say humannes, right? Right. Speaking about blogs, got abit rattled up today when readin a column by a certain Ms Zanele Mji in this months Marie Claire mag...The original intention of the article was discussing the pros and cons of blogging, more specifically fashion blogging. But I think her own sense of inferiority or sense of being a have-not (fashion wise people) lead her to do otherwise.

She kinda starts by saying how jealous she gets when looking at the incredibly beautiful and expensive items these bloggers own and wear in their very ordinary n mundane lives. In her strong opinion blogging has become a "shrine to bloggers own narcissism and shameless self promotion". HUH! She then ends by saying, when she thinks of bloggers she is reminded by something Oscar Wilde once said, "Looking good and dressing well is a necessity, having a purpose in life is not."

I tried to brush this off as some lady who had a deadline to meet, and so picked on the most obvious person/s in sight, bloggers. But as I pondered and stared at the article I realized that the pose she strikes on her column, is the famous fashion blogger pose, the one hand on waist opposite shoulder hunched forward pose, yep that one? But she still has the cheek to diss me. US! Hahaha I over-react, not THAT angry…anywho just felt like hugging her and whispering in her ear, “It’s alright, you not the first person to hate, that which you do not understand”

Misbehave just dont hurt nobody! Love too...

Thursday 11 August 2011

Put a spRING on it..

Maxi Floral dress - YDE
Belt - YDE
Leather Jacket-  Edgars
Bag - Foschini
Shades - YDE
Ring - Presie from a friend
Bracelets - Gtown Fest

Im tryna write less and post more pics, which I will do, trust and believe. So no major life lessons or epiphanies from moi today, loving the sunny weather in KWT though. Oh and have been having problems with my skin, more specifically blemishes, have never been huge on make-up and all so went out and bought myself some ish that my friends swear by...So cant wait to get home and start the regimen....Hahaha if my skin starts peeling off, don’t ask. Oh just remembered, hadn’t worn this dress for eons, so when I saw this post from one of my fav SA bloggers, I got a light bulb moment! Oh visit her blog peeps, she has some coolio stuff AND she's also an ELLE intern....ahh not jealous at aaaaallll!Love Love Love and more Love....

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Be Loud, PLEASE!

So I have been away for a while now...but oh let me tell you it was all worth it! Took a much needed vacation to JHB you see and I didn’t realise how much I needed it, until I was actually there. So much weight went off my shoulders! Twaz nothing short of miraculous. Tried to take pics, but i left my cam charger in PE, so no pics from there. But no worries when I eventually do relocate to Jozi I’ll be bombarding this blog with everything Jozi. I love, ABSO -freakn- LUTELY love Johannesburg!

Anywho moving on to something completely unrelated, it is was Women’s Day izolo (yesterday in Xhosa, my native lingo) and I always ahhm ok not always, but often sign off my blog posts, with something like misbehave or get rowdy or something of that nature. So in this months issue of Destiny magazine I read the most beautiful interview with Eve Ensler, she is the warrior woman who wrote Vagina Monologues. Love her! Want to share just one of the inspiring answers she gave to Destiny mag:

"I believe girls are too often told to please and to be something than what they are. Its very important for them to be inspired by other verbs like “create”, “learn” and defy. Girls are very powerful, but are often told to behave themselves. I don’t want girls to behave themselves".

That was Ms Ensler very relevant to Womens month I think, it also resonated deep within because Iv been told so many times, that a girl cant shave off all her hair, cant be loud, cant sit with her legs open, cant be a DJ, cant wear size 8 shoes, cant be that, cant be this, so many things that I actually am. So this kinda re-emphasised the way I choose to live my life and what Id like for other peeps too. Be true to YOUR heart. BE LOUD!

So still on that note, I have been looking for red denim pants, something that is considered too loud for the eyes, in these parts of the world. I searched for two full months, I kid you not, its hard having the kinda lower body I have and still be able to follow hot trends. My search came to an unexpected halt when I saw them all pretty and dangerous at a Woolies store in PE. GLORIA!!!! Here they are:)

Denim Pants - Woolies
Sleaveless sailor T - Mr Price
Denim Jacket - Mr Price
Floral Pumps - Rage
Globe Necklace - Mr Price
Ring - Ginger Mary
Bracelates - Mr Price / Truworths
Shades - Mr Price
