Wednesday 5 October 2011

Eat this...

Was reading through Milusuthando's blog and she said some really insightful things, things that I have always said, but noone wanted to listen! One, its not healthy to share your every thought and doings on social networks. It just isnt right, nevermind me, but for you. What happens is, you end up living for other people. Especially if you have alot of 'followers" or are a public figure. You lose touch with what you want to do and  end up doing what you think your "followers" want you to do or say, you try to be witty and all.

I know it sounds like such a contradiction, "I mean hello ur a blogger ms lady, ur on facebook and TWITTER", I hear you say? But here is my thing, MODERATION! CONTROL! I think I have been going about it the right way. I keep certain things to myself and share some things. So anywho here is what Miss Milli B wrote on her blog, I liked it and thought it would be nice to share..after all sharing is daring to care! hahahaha, here it is.

''We need other people, not in order to stay alive, but to be fully human:  to be affectionate, funny, playful, to be generous.  How genuine is my capacity for love if there is no one for me to love, to laugh with, to treat tenderly, to be trusted by? I can love an idea or a vision, but I can't throw my arms around it.  Unless there is someone to whom I can give my gifts, in whose hands I can entrust my dreams, who will forgive me my deformities, my aberrations, to whom I can speak the unspeakable, then I am not human, I am a thing, a gadget that works but has no ashes.'' Hugh Prather

Still on that million rand hustlle:)

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