Thursday 30 June 2011

If loving Oprah is a crime, then go right ahead and lock me up!!!

Everyone thinks that they know her, everyone thinks they know what makes her tick, what makes her smile or cry. People think they know who she is, she is the Anti Christ they say, she’s so patronizing when talking to her guests, she speaks down to people, imposing, gentle, kind , compassionate…..So many things have been said about her, and I don’t want to be another praise singer of a woman who in fact DOES deserve all the praise that thrown upon her.
 Goddess Oprah

Il try not to go down that worn out road. I don’t know her personally (God knows I wish I did). I know some facts about her, yes, but not personally you know. But what I do know, “what I know for sure” is that Oprah Winfrey has woken me up, she has stirred my soul, she has been my spiritual sister (even though it was one sided), but she awakened me to my calling, my purpose too much cheese?. Oprah Winfrey is one of my all time favourite goddesses and I only have two, my mom, Nancy Sihlwayi and Oprah Winfrey.

Have so much work to do and it is getting late, hmm so quickly what I want to say is, I love this women, absolutely adore her. If you see me, doing big tings in the near future, you know who to thank!!!!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Brothers, cultivate yo seeds!

Askies, just thot I should mention m listening to Marsha Ambrosius’ debut album, Late Nights & Early Mornings....hmmm beautiful I say, she stayed true to what we know her for. Hahaha thought she’d go Gaga on us, everyone is tryna be different these days. So some good soulful sounds are welcome in this small word of mine. Anywho I am not qualified to give any form of album reviews, so I’ll sit down now. Ok wait before I do, I just want to say this and hope I’m not hanged for this, because I know in some quarters this would be considered blasphemous talk.

In her debut album she covers Lauryn Hill’s, Lose myself and oh dammit, oh hell! She ripped it! I mean she stepped up to Lauryn, who wouldv thought right? She made it more personal, more heart wrenching you know. Thats always good. Go get that album peeps:)

Anywho back to the reason for this post, I was looking through the The Sartorialist this evening. I came across this beautiful post of stay at home fathers. Yes, I kid you not, stay at home fathersJ. Now anyone that has an idea of what Im about, knows how much I love men who take care of their kids. I grew up in a single(mom) parent household. I never knew or saw what fatherly love is, so if you are a guy and you interested in me and you happen to have a child. Let me tell you, the easiest, safest and sure way to get me interested in you, is for you to love your offspring. I swear to you, then you are an angel in my eyes. You can do no wrong....I don’t give a flying hoot who says what, "Oh, Sully your boyfriend robbed a bank yesterday". Me," Well he takes care of his children, he is allowed to rob a bank". "Sully your boyfriend was caught lying to Mother Theresa". Me “Well he takes care of his babies, he can lie to the Pope if he wants to"....Hahahaha sorry I humour myself too. Anywho so ya men who love, appreciate and take care of the fruits of their loins, are my heroes...


Wednesday 22 June 2011

Jus sum stuf...

So am new at this posting of style pics thing, but hey those that came before me said, "Fake it till you make it". So that’s what I am doing now, gonna keep posting these BAD pics of me looking GOOD:) Till they become GOOD pics of me looking SMASHING! Hahaha how funny am I? I know.

Also wanted to post these specific pics, so I can giv you a rough idea of my robust build. Which will further show you, why I wanna be a jeans ambassador....a lot of junk in this trunk I tell ya:)

ReTro FunK

Wow having trouble uploading mo pics...bloody technology, which I must admit was never my forte... Will try to post more pics..But 4 now let me share what am wearing:
OBR Bell Bottoms I bought 3 years ago
Stoned Cherry Love Movement Blazer (LURVE LURVE LURVE IT)
Sissy Boy Wood Heel Clog
Urban loose fitting T
lil purse I bought at the beach (Splash Festival)

Keep Walking  T.o.a.D's !!!!!!!!!!!! 


So apparently I omitted some valuable info from this blog....or so I’m told. Hmm so here it is, I’m also a hip hop/ rnb/ kwaito DJ. Although I prefer to say Im in the process of being one, friends tell me to stop being so hard on myself and call myself one, alright then:) So there it is, I play music in clubs and hopefully (fingers tightly crossed) I entertain people in the process.

 I love love love music. The same way books transported your Jane Austen’s, Shakespeare’s, Wole Soyinka’s, Zakes Mda’s, Fred Khumalo’s etc to far away and distant lands, that is what umculo (music) does to me. It has single handedly saved me from so much. Music has laced and completed many romantic, drunken, sad, sorrowful, ecstatic, joyous and exuberant nights. Simply put, it is my Clyde:)

So was feeling rather uninspired lately especially with regards to pursuing this DJ’n career of mine. And a few days ago I stumbled on a certain DJs blog, South African Hip Hop DJ, who goes by the name of Dimplez. Really great DJ, but what drew me towards him even more was his introspective nature and honesty. Very rare in this dog eat dog universe otherwise known as the entertainment industry.

This is what he had to say about saying F.U. to failure....

....and as if that wasnt enough he went on to kill me with the response he gave to a comment I wrote on his blog..

"Sully keep your head up. It is rough. You’re dealing with Ego’s and people that wanna protect their ground. Dudes hate competition. Play your heart out".


Thursday 16 June 2011

Dont let them walk away wit yo stuff!

Hi world, yes the three of you (everything has to start somewhere ok)....Its been a while, been depressed happy, depressed, sad, frustrated, depressed. Am sure u get the picture Im tryna paint for ya. Im actually fighting with my bad self (fear) to write this post right now, cause my good self (love) knows its good for me and it makes me happy, just as I am, now! So boooohooo to you bad self! You loosssssseeee......this time.

So was watching For Colored Girls yesterday, Tyler Perry's adaptation of Ntozakhe Shange's award winning play, For Colored Girls Who have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf. I wont go into detail, on how good or bad the movie was, but I was moved. Especially when the character (Juanita/Green) played by Lorreta Devine starts to recite one of Shanges poems, "somebody almost walked off wid alla my stuff". WHAAATTTTTTT!

So much power! So wanted to share it wit al y'al. Here it is:

Ill forgive you, if you become completely obsessed with anything that Ntozakhe Shange touches! Almost thought she knew me, personally. Thought she wrote this for me! Such beauty. I like the fact that she writes, somebody ALMOST walked off wid alla my stuff. They tried, they wanted to but couldnt quite get it right, because, as Shange puts it "it’s really my stuff/ ya gotta give it to me/ if ya really want it/ i’m  the only one/ can handle it".

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Thick and Sexy Please...

Wanted to post these pics yesterday, but was just so bummed that no1 commented on my previous post. Me and my high expectations!!! So gave myself a nice talking to and realized this is not about that, itS about me getting outside my comfy zone and spreading my wings. Yes, some people might not see, appreciate or have time for me when I want them to see, appreciate or have time for me. PEEPS HAVE LIVES TOO SULLY. So until then Ill keep making this space my safe haven, a room of my own. 
So moving straight along
I'm into plus size, fat, round, big boned, robust (take your pick) models and how they put together their clothes, its an OBSESSION actually. 
It really is a pity we don't have too many of them in our mags, because quite frankly the Kate's, Tyras, Naomi's, Beyonces are all a minority in the REAL world.
. So anywho one of my goals is to be a jeans wear ambassador, kinda like Fikile Moeti and the other Levis girls.
Reason being I love my body, absolutely f-n love it...But its a Mission-Impossible getting a perfect fit.
So I want to take on the good fight on behalf of all the other PHAT ASSES..Wish me luck...
Check out these Vogue Italia models mense...

Tuesday 7 June 2011


This would be MOI...

I simply adore this pic, besides the fact that I look dashing in it, it gives me hope. And no, that hope has nothing to do with the light shining through the blinds ( although I could write a whole essay on the symbolism of it all, I'll refrain from such).
I'v  always had a great love for clothes and putting them together to create breathtaking outfits, since I was a piki-nini. But as the years went by, I grew older, got distracted, got my heart broken, failed and failed again, basically  I was against the
ropes for quite a while.
This pic reminds me of my love for everything niccce...
 The mighty strength within.
YDE dress 
Foschini Leather jacket
Mr Price denim shirt
Mr Price silk pumps
Black Pick nPay Leggings
Revlon Red lipstick (Award winning:)

*Oh and by the way had this dress for ages before I finally wore it, It was the thought of sharing my thunder thighs with the whole world that frightened me. But must say, the reactions I got were nothing but awesome.

Monday 6 June 2011


So it is a Monday today, I know, that’s kinda like my thing, stating the obvious. Anywho it is said that Mondays are supposed to be blue, gloomy, never ending days, with the sole purpose of making the working class population miserable. But today unlike other days I was happy to make my way through the hustle and bustle of Monday traffic, to work.
You see on Saturday afternoon I decided to leave King Williams Town and go to an undisclosed hideout, for no reason besides the fact that I just I could. So I happened to forget my cell phone charger. Now I don’t have an IPhone or Blackberry, cell phones which have life spans equivalent to those of cats. So I hadn’t even passed Peddie when my screen went blank, died. This is Saturday night. So as the story goes my phone was off the whole of Sunday, no unwanted interruptions, no involuntary reflexes of checking up on my FB “buddies”, no nothing, just me and my hideout.
So its Monday morning, feeling fresh, light, happy, and about to leave my hideout and head towards King Williams Town to go resume my weekly duties. So imagine my surprise and complete mood change when my whole family, extended included, call me as far away as Limpopo to ask about my whereabouts. Why my phone was off, why I am not at work, where have I been the whole day, who am I with and all those questions police officers ask people who have skipped their bail applications and or the country…
Turns out my dear sweet mother had called the whole Sihlwayi clan and some, drove to my work place, camped outside the gates for  SIXTY WHOLE MINUTES waiting for me to reveal myself from my undisclosed location. Now shame please I understand she was worried, I accept, she couldn’t get a hold of me for the whole day, yesterday. I understand really I do, but does she have to treat me like some sort of fugitive? Does she have to give the people I work with, my colleagues, the impression that I’m some drug crazed teenager who has the occasional tendency of disappearing nge weekends? I stay three hours away from home, I am 25 years old, surely I can afford to switch off my cell phone for a day. Cant I?
If you know me, then you will know that my mother, Nancy, is my queen. She is my Universe, she is my god. But I think this was abit over board. I mean this is the very same person who insists on me buying my own winter clothes, paying for my own petrol, groceries, maintenance of what was once her car, own cell phone, bed, TV, basically finding my own two feet in the world of independent working folk. But I still can not switch off my phone for one day? Double Standards? I think so.
Oh ya Im not being marked on this I don’t have to have a good intro and conclusion, I can stop now. It’s for MY blog and I can do whatever I want…That was me venting…but to the 3 people who follow or read this blog, was I unreasonable? When will folks just let go, COMPLETELY? Not this luke warm you-are-old-OH-OOPS-no-you-not business. Its con-freakin-using.

Friday 3 June 2011

My 1st time:)

She truly is a blessing to the world and I thought it appropriate to make THIS beautiful photo, which captures, her essence, my first post...I have lost count of the times She has saved me from the dark abyss of some life threatening emotional roller coasters. Photo taken by Aviva Klein during the Rock the Bells Hip Hop Festival.

"Fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need". Lauryn Hill