Thursday 23 June 2011

Brothers, cultivate yo seeds!

Askies, just thot I should mention m listening to Marsha Ambrosius’ debut album, Late Nights & Early Mornings....hmmm beautiful I say, she stayed true to what we know her for. Hahaha thought she’d go Gaga on us, everyone is tryna be different these days. So some good soulful sounds are welcome in this small word of mine. Anywho I am not qualified to give any form of album reviews, so I’ll sit down now. Ok wait before I do, I just want to say this and hope I’m not hanged for this, because I know in some quarters this would be considered blasphemous talk.

In her debut album she covers Lauryn Hill’s, Lose myself and oh dammit, oh hell! She ripped it! I mean she stepped up to Lauryn, who wouldv thought right? She made it more personal, more heart wrenching you know. Thats always good. Go get that album peeps:)

Anywho back to the reason for this post, I was looking through the The Sartorialist this evening. I came across this beautiful post of stay at home fathers. Yes, I kid you not, stay at home fathersJ. Now anyone that has an idea of what Im about, knows how much I love men who take care of their kids. I grew up in a single(mom) parent household. I never knew or saw what fatherly love is, so if you are a guy and you interested in me and you happen to have a child. Let me tell you, the easiest, safest and sure way to get me interested in you, is for you to love your offspring. I swear to you, then you are an angel in my eyes. You can do no wrong....I don’t give a flying hoot who says what, "Oh, Sully your boyfriend robbed a bank yesterday". Me," Well he takes care of his children, he is allowed to rob a bank". "Sully your boyfriend was caught lying to Mother Theresa". Me “Well he takes care of his babies, he can lie to the Pope if he wants to"....Hahahaha sorry I humour myself too. Anywho so ya men who love, appreciate and take care of the fruits of their loins, are my heroes...


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