Monday 6 June 2011


So it is a Monday today, I know, that’s kinda like my thing, stating the obvious. Anywho it is said that Mondays are supposed to be blue, gloomy, never ending days, with the sole purpose of making the working class population miserable. But today unlike other days I was happy to make my way through the hustle and bustle of Monday traffic, to work.
You see on Saturday afternoon I decided to leave King Williams Town and go to an undisclosed hideout, for no reason besides the fact that I just I could. So I happened to forget my cell phone charger. Now I don’t have an IPhone or Blackberry, cell phones which have life spans equivalent to those of cats. So I hadn’t even passed Peddie when my screen went blank, died. This is Saturday night. So as the story goes my phone was off the whole of Sunday, no unwanted interruptions, no involuntary reflexes of checking up on my FB “buddies”, no nothing, just me and my hideout.
So its Monday morning, feeling fresh, light, happy, and about to leave my hideout and head towards King Williams Town to go resume my weekly duties. So imagine my surprise and complete mood change when my whole family, extended included, call me as far away as Limpopo to ask about my whereabouts. Why my phone was off, why I am not at work, where have I been the whole day, who am I with and all those questions police officers ask people who have skipped their bail applications and or the country…
Turns out my dear sweet mother had called the whole Sihlwayi clan and some, drove to my work place, camped outside the gates for  SIXTY WHOLE MINUTES waiting for me to reveal myself from my undisclosed location. Now shame please I understand she was worried, I accept, she couldn’t get a hold of me for the whole day, yesterday. I understand really I do, but does she have to treat me like some sort of fugitive? Does she have to give the people I work with, my colleagues, the impression that I’m some drug crazed teenager who has the occasional tendency of disappearing nge weekends? I stay three hours away from home, I am 25 years old, surely I can afford to switch off my cell phone for a day. Cant I?
If you know me, then you will know that my mother, Nancy, is my queen. She is my Universe, she is my god. But I think this was abit over board. I mean this is the very same person who insists on me buying my own winter clothes, paying for my own petrol, groceries, maintenance of what was once her car, own cell phone, bed, TV, basically finding my own two feet in the world of independent working folk. But I still can not switch off my phone for one day? Double Standards? I think so.
Oh ya Im not being marked on this I don’t have to have a good intro and conclusion, I can stop now. It’s for MY blog and I can do whatever I want…That was me venting…but to the 3 people who follow or read this blog, was I unreasonable? When will folks just let go, COMPLETELY? Not this luke warm you-are-old-OH-OOPS-no-you-not business. Its con-freakin-using.


  1. That's why you should always have your charger on you...I don't like not being able to reach people with cellphones,then what's the point?ahahahaha at your ma though...not cool!So where were you?

  2. Could have hinted somebody though.....Ja, Waar was jy? :)

  3. hahaha i remember nancy coming to my digs in jhb and asking me where you were...i was like "i dont believe we have met...thats not important *swiftly hid my bong* let me take you right to her" all i remember thinking was..this woman is thorough! how did she know where i lived! this is not out of character for uNancy at all...

  4. Hahaha I remember that basically mandi phole and accept that this is gonna happen way into my marriage years? Thats until my husband divorces me bcoz of a very hands on momma..

  5. She was being a mother u should be grateful that she even cares. Kukho abantwana that would kill to have a mammo like Nancy. As you have so passionately pointed out that she is your Goddess, your world, you everything am quite certain and can even bet my last cent that you mean the world to her too hence her rather drastic actions and I do not blame her one bit!!!! The thought of her not being able to contact u-Sgaqa wakhe ohlala 3hours away from her was too much to bear. Yes she went to extremes but she only did what any mother would do in her situation. Please do not shoot her down for caring coz I’m sure ukuba u wouldn’t like it if she did not now would you?
