Wednesday 22 June 2011


So apparently I omitted some valuable info from this blog....or so I’m told. Hmm so here it is, I’m also a hip hop/ rnb/ kwaito DJ. Although I prefer to say Im in the process of being one, friends tell me to stop being so hard on myself and call myself one, alright then:) So there it is, I play music in clubs and hopefully (fingers tightly crossed) I entertain people in the process.

 I love love love music. The same way books transported your Jane Austen’s, Shakespeare’s, Wole Soyinka’s, Zakes Mda’s, Fred Khumalo’s etc to far away and distant lands, that is what umculo (music) does to me. It has single handedly saved me from so much. Music has laced and completed many romantic, drunken, sad, sorrowful, ecstatic, joyous and exuberant nights. Simply put, it is my Clyde:)

So was feeling rather uninspired lately especially with regards to pursuing this DJ’n career of mine. And a few days ago I stumbled on a certain DJs blog, South African Hip Hop DJ, who goes by the name of Dimplez. Really great DJ, but what drew me towards him even more was his introspective nature and honesty. Very rare in this dog eat dog universe otherwise known as the entertainment industry.

This is what he had to say about saying F.U. to failure....

....and as if that wasnt enough he went on to kill me with the response he gave to a comment I wrote on his blog..

"Sully keep your head up. It is rough. You’re dealing with Ego’s and people that wanna protect their ground. Dudes hate competition. Play your heart out".



  1. Slow clap for PLAY YOUR HEART OUT! I like!!!

  2. totally agree with one has ever succeeded by succumbing to other ppls opinion of them, u succeed by doing what u do best in their faces for them to move to ur tune! so ja PLAY UR HEART OUT!!!
